Tuesday, September 29, 2009

And more


Markus was so excited for hockey practice last night. He was asking me in the car on the way there, what color his jersey was going to be. When I said I didn't know, but what color would he like, he said, "Oh, I was thinking gray, blue and white would be good. Those are cool colors." I said, "What if they are pink? That is a cool color." He just looked at me funny. Luckily they weren't pink and when he walked in the locker room and saw them I could tell he was disappointed...they are red and white. The "U" colors. He won't even look at a car if it has a U sticker on it. Or a flag. He is so funny about it, kind of prejudice towards BYU I guess. I don't know why, because I told him I went to the U for a year. But he still doesn't like it.

I guess he will get used to wearing red now. It didn't seem to bother him once he put it on though. He still skated fast and was doing back crossovers like I have never seen him do them before...so fast.
Something about hockey...he just loves it. He told me afterwards that his favorite part of practice was playing circle tag.

He was cruising down the ice and his coached passed him the puck and he made a goal. Sweet...

Max was at football practice so I went to go pick him up from that and brought him back to the rink for his practice. Which was right after Markus'. He was so tired and hungry after both practices back to back. He has four more weeks of football and only two nights when he will have both hockey and football practices. Long night but...I love watching them have a great time playing a sport they both like. I never imagined being a hockey mom would be so enjoyable.