Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Max was out practicing his ripstick today. I had to stop and video tape it, as I have tried to ride on his side-ways skate board contraption before, but couldn't get the hang of it. How does he do it so well? How are children so much better at learning new things than us old timers? They are not only better at learning new things, but better at handling grief as well.

Today when I took Markus into his class, I talked to his teacher about how the family of little Robyn were doing and she said they are devastated. How could they not be? But Markus and all his little class mates seem to be handling it or dealing with it I guess. I just stood there and cried after they all went into their seats...all except Robyn.

I came home and read her obituary and cried. And tried to think of something to do or say to help this family in mourning. I wrote something on the comment section and made a donation to the hospital in her name. But it all seemed rather trivial.

It will not help them.

It will only help me to feel like I tried to do something to help. Eventually. Right now I just feel like the world should stop. Someone is in pain. Someone will never see their little girl again, at least not in this life.


I wanted to tell everyone coming into the school.


I wanted to yell at the teller at the bank.


But no one did.

They just kept doing what they were doing. I wanted to lower all the flags and have a moment of silence. In memory of those who are gone.

After school I picked up Morgen like I usually do, and since he gets out a half hour before the other boys, I drove over to Dan's. Which is our usual hangout after school. He likes their milk from Winder Dairy there and usually gets a cookie from the bakery. It is where about half of the school goes after school as well, as a whole group of girls said, "Hi Morgen" as we walked through the doors. He just smiled and walked on, in his typical manner. On Friday, September 11th though, this song was playing on the radio when we parked the car and I sat listening to it for a minute. When Morgen looked at me I said it was a good song for today, being 9/11. Thinking about how many of the victims of the twin towers would do something differently had they known what was going to happen.

Live each moment.