Saturday, September 12, 2009

Angie's Wedding

After Max's football game this morning against Alta (they lost 35-6), I went to teach for the Ice Fest at the rink. Angie, that teaches at the rink with me as well, was married to a guy named Nate up in Midway this afternoon. It was held at a place up there called the Johnson Mill.

Angie was grinning from ear to ear when she was walking down the aisle after they said their vows...

Somehow all her friends from skating ended up talking together.
(l to r: Tamara, Alicia, Amy, B)

Angie was on the Synchro skating team, The Ice Angellzz, in high school and so most of her friends were at the wedding and posed with her for a photo.

Toasting their new life together. It was a beautiful night for an outdoor wedding.