Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I have been reading about this fitness class on Facebook from my cousin that teaches one up in Oregon. So today I went and tried it out at 24 hr. fitness. I had such a blast and the time flew by, since I was just dancing the entire time, it didn't even feel like I was working up a sweat. But by the time I was finished I was dripping sweat. You can check out a clip of that type of class here.

I also went to look for a new mixer. The one I have isn't nearly big enough to make bread in, and the flour always spills all over the counter when I do. So I went to Orson Gygi to check out the kind that my friend Laurie uses (pictured here) and to Trolley Square to see the Kitchen-aid at Williams-Sonoma. But I saw the same kind at Costco for a little bit less. I think I may check E-bay as well to see about getting a better deal. They are kind of spendy but I think they are a must have for making bread, cinnamon rolls and other yummy stuff to smell baking this time of year.