Sunday, December 6, 2009

Early a.m.

Max had two early morning games this morning in Park City, back to back, one at 7:30 a.m. and one at 8:45. Since they have off-ice warm-ups before the games, he had to be there though at 6:30. Markus was up so late last night I didn't want to wake him up early, so I thought I should just run Max up for his game. Ben insisted on taking him though, so after I let Markus sleep in, I tried to make it up for the last part of the first game. By the time I drove up there, I barely made it for the last half of the second game. I was so disappointed, as I hate to miss Max play. From what I saw though, he was playing great today and the Lightning won both games, so he was in a good mood.

Morgen passed his board of review tonight for his Eagle Scout rank. I am so proud of him for finishing. I wanted to take a photo of him afterwards but he was mad at Max for breaking his Pokemon ball while we were gone and wouldn't let me photograph him. I will take some at his Court of Honor when he has it though. Cheers...