Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Some photos from Morgen's ballroom dance recital tonight at school. He did a terrific job and had a great time performing as well.

He is on the far left...

Morgen's dance partners name is Megan and they danced to "You light up my life" a slow, waltz and at the end of it, Morgen jumped on Megan's back as they were exiting the stage. The whole audience was laughing.

When I went backstage afterwards to take some photos Morgen couldn't find his dance partner so I asked his friend Zoe if she would fill in for me and pose as his partner. She was happy to oblige. Morgen went to the haunted house with her when he was in fourth grade. He just asked her at school one day and we went but they didn't say one word to each other on the way there or on the way back, it was kind of funny.