Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Schools

Over the course of an hour, all three of my boys started at new schools yesterday. Each was enthused about something, Max already knows so many friends in jr. high from sports, i.e., baseball, football, hockey, and soccer. Markus knows five of the kids in his class from church, scouts and baseball. And Morgen knows a girl named Serenity.

It's coming up on four years ago that I asked Ben to move out. It feels like a decade ago. One of the surprises is being how we've settled into this being our new life. I've struggled to make sense of where I am as a parent, to accept the mountains of responsibility which are unavoidably mine. It's one thing to leave room for someone to step up and do something, but something else entirely to make sense of being co-parents and keep moving forward.

I hope they will like their new schools. Because I'm pretty sure no one else on earth loves my sons as much as I do. Nobody else cares as much about their future, their welfare, their happiness as I do.