Saturday, September 28, 2013

Goin' Home

The only way to take sorrow out of death is to take love out of life.

That's the quote Craig's friend Dr. Barton gave today at his funeral from a talk on death by Elder Nelson. He also said that he was going to miss having this picture pop up on his phone whenever Craig would call. He also said that Craig was his best friend. As did the next speaker and the next. Craig had that way of making everyone he was with feel important. 

Craig's children all stood together at the pulpit and took turns speaking about their favorite memories of their dad. As they stood there holding hands and hugging each other I thought about how much Craig would have loved to see them and probably would have been taking a photo of them together. 

When a member of our stake presidency stood to speak, the funeral was going on three hours long. President Johnson kept his remarks short and said that Craig had taught him so many things but the one he wanted to speak about was when Craig had been working on one of his cars, he said, "Steve-o, you worry about getting yourself from point a to point b a lot, I want you to consider who you are along the way." And he left him at that. 

His wife Tina has so much to miss.