Wednesday, September 11, 2013

One Line A Day

A condensed, comparative record for five years, for recording events most worthy of remembrance is what my sweet friend Nicole gave me for my birthday. She hosted my birthday lunch at her house along with Kelli's since our birthdays are just days apart. I'm excited to use this book. Inside it says to turn to today's date, and fill in the year at the top of the page's first entry. Here, you can add your thoughts on the present day's events. On the next day, turn the page and fill in the date accordingly. Do likewise throughout the year. When the year had ended, start the next year in the second entry space on the page, and so on through the remaining years.  

I thought about the last five years and how today's date might look like compared to the last five years. So here it is via One Line A Day format:

  • 2008 {911} Morgen's drawing of the attacks on September 11. 
  • 2009 The boys still had on their red, white and blue, clothes from school today, where they had an assembly and sang the Navy, Army and Marine songs. I asked them if anyone talked about what happened on this day eight years ago and they said, no, they just talked about serving our country at the assembly.
  • 2010 There aren’t many events in life that leave impressions as unforgettable as this one was for me. 
  • 2011 Whenever I think about 9/11, I can't help but remember the actual flag that I stood next to before the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics.
  • 2012 I sat down today with my boys and turned on the news and we talked about seeing the aftermath-- the World Trade Center collapse.