Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A Walk In The Park

Today I took my last final for this semester - my pharmocology 2 final, with the same professor that I loved from OB-Maternity. As sad as I am to see these classes end, I am SO, SO happy to know that it is because I am that much closer to being a RN. And I have been walking in the park. Yes, walking!  In the lovely park! With the blossoms and the lake and ducks and lovers walking hand and hand and children playing in the puddles....all when I should be a crazy study-a-holic studying at my desk like everybody else.   But I have made sure these past few days to jail break outta there once or twice a day and walk my legs 'til I can feel those muscles burn!  It has been exhilarating!!! I can't even tell you the high that I feel. I have such a love of exercise.  It can do the mind and heart wonders in just 1 day!  I just need to break the tiniest sweat and take off my jacket.  BB: Don't ever forget this!!!!  I'm glad to be reminded of this cause it has just been one long semester and I've been glued to those books and, not feeling so fun or lively or creative some days. But now, I sneak out every chance I get.  Somehow all that sunshine and air is making me feel smart, happy, alive, healthy, calm, funny, confident, desirable, resilient & grateful! Yes, it's true!   Overall, very best thing for me. :) :) And---biggest bonus.... It helps me to feel aligned with God.  Amazing how this works.  

Luckily I'm ok with getting a 96.4% on my final!!!!

My life is so good!  And spring is lovely.