Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cache Valley

Dinner in Smithfield last night before the ride today.

B, Kim, Alisa, Sharon, Sara, Jodi, Shawna, Ronda, & Tyra

Jodi, Kim, Alisa, Shawna, Sharon, B & Sarah at the starting line in Lewiston

After completing all 100+ miles (some of us missed the turn at Preston and rode an extra 3 miles before realizing it!) I think everyone felt pretty good!

I hope that we can continue the tradition and ride again next year, even though my friend Sharon is moving to Heber this month. She sold her house by herself in a little less than three weeks. She found a house that was on a short sell in Heber really close to her aging parents and decided it was time to move back to her hometown. I am going to miss my riding buddy and friend!

After we finished riding and celebrating at the finish line, I had to stop by and see my little buddy Connor-Man in Preston. He is so adorable and smiled at me while I was holding him and kept giving me the biggest hugs. I love him so much and wish that they lived closer so I could hold him everyday.