Friday, May 22, 2009


My friend Tyra had her baby yesterday...he weighed 10 lbs. 2 oz! She is doing great but he is still in the NICU. He had some fluid in his lungs and is on a ventilator for now. Hopefully he will get to go home in a few days though, I just think that would be hard to go home from the hospital without your baby.

Also yesterday, was the quarterly court of honor. I spent the day entering, buying, labeling and presenting the scout awards. Morgen earned his Citizen in the Community, Citizen in the World, and Public Speaking Merit Badges. He only has two more to go before his Eagle. He didn't want to attend the court, guess he doesn't really care about the 'honor', so I don't have any pictures of him getting his awards. Such is life with Morgen!