Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Promise

I am a woman of my promise.  When I promise the kids ice cream after a day of errands, I get them ice cream.  When I state a punishment, I am also a woman of my word, and I have been consistent with my own commitment to that promise (not willingly sometimes -because seriously, who enjoys punishing their kids?).  I don't just say, “If you don’t do X, then Y will happen.”  When will it happen?  After how much yelling?  After how much nagging?  Will I back out, secretly wishing they would just straighten up?  Nope. I start every sentence when I’m trying to redirect bad behavior with the words, “I promise…if you don’t choose to stop/start [insert behavior], then [insert consequence] will happen.”  The longer I’ve done it, the less painful it’s been for me to come up with a consequence.  At first, I struggled to connect the behavior to the consequence, but over time, it became more natural.  Just yesterday, I said, “I promise, if you don’t help me pick up the family room, we simply won’t have time to go to Max's hockey team party.”  Simple…straightforward…my boys turned into cleaning machines.  This afternoon, I promised my patient if she would muscle through Physical Therapy (she didn't want to go today after being up all night with back pain), I would take her a warm blanket and let her nap until lunch time.  I PROMISED, and I kept my promise.  I gently reminded my boys tonight when they came home that I’m a woman who keeps her promises…all of them. Even letting them stay out late for night games.

I can prove it: we’ve been home on Summer Vacation for 78 days, all but 3 of them at home, and no one is dead yet.  It’s a parenting miracle!