Friday, August 23, 2013

First Day of Nursing School

It’s that time. The beginning of a new adventure… the fresh smell of a new text book (or the er… not-so-fresh smell of an old book). 22 months on the official countdown to graduation. I can’t believe it’s finally here, I thought this year would never come. But alas, I made it! One more year closer to becoming an RN no matter where I was before. It took me a while to get excited for the starting of nursing school and the school year, but today I met my pharmacology instructor, Julie, it's starting to settle in and it’s feeling pretty good.

Honestly, I was feeling pretty bummed out as last year wound down. It wasn’t until I really reflected on my 2012 that I started to get into the “new year spirit.” It really was a pretty fantastic year. I finished it off with my CNA certification, which opened up the doors into this whole new world of nursing and changed my life. I started gaining more confidence in my self, I applied, and I got hired at the hospital of my dreams, and have done pretty well getting in to school.  It’s been full and exciting, and I only wish I had given it more credit as I said goodbye to those last seconds.

But after I got a chance to reflect, I really got a renewed energy. Excited about starting something new. 2015 is graduation year! In 22 months I will have that cap and gown on, and hopefully a short time after that I will get to add RN to the end of my name. And by this time next year, I hope I am working as a licensed practical nurse, doing something that I absolutely love (hopefully my dream job working with babies!).  There’s a lot of opportunities ahead, I am looking forward to embracing them all and making it a fantastic year.

So school is starting. New texts, new highlighters, new notebooks, new classes. A great way to start off a new school year, embracing the first quarter of nursing school and giving it all that I’ve got! I want to ask some experienced nurses at work: What should I be thinking and doing as I start on this journey?