Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Club

Last night my neighbor called to welcome me to her club. We all belong to exclusive insider clubs. Don’t worry, these insider clubs have absolutely nothing to do with the stock market. The only way you can join an insider club is to pay the price. The members of insider clubs are pretty tight because outsiders just don’t seem to understand. Last week I dusted off an old journal which had been sleeping under my bed. I read what I had written ten years ago about being a mother. Man, did I have a LOT to learn. The membership benefits of these clubs include increased humility and compassion. Before my surprise induction into the club, I felt superior to some women. I have now had many opportunities to partake of the poison of my previous prejudices. I now have absolute confidence in the most revered member of ALL our insider clubs. The Prince of Peace has already paid the price and invites us to join his club. It was during my years as a parent that I figured out there was NOTHING I could teach the Savior about pain and suffering. He is a member of ALL our insider clubs and He knows how to lift our burdens if we’ll turn to Him in humility and faith. Join the Club.