Tuesday, October 11, 2011


SVU has an interesting little link on their website Typical ups and downs of college life.

For October

  • Roommate problems begin to arise
  • Students question: Do I fit in here?
  • First test grades returned
  • Midterm exams
  • Love relationships from home remain strong
  • Consequences of decision-making experienced
I looked over this list with Morgen as he is trying to decide which colleges to apply to, and I laughed at the tragic (yet accurate) outline, I thought how comforting it would be for a struggling freshman to read it and sigh with relief– “It’s OK, I’m normal.”

And I thought how useful it would be to have a similar list for every stage of life– first job, dating, first year of marriage (and 2nd and 3rd and …), navigating a divorce, etc. Somehow our life paths don’t seem quite as difficult when we know that we’re normal, that others have trod the same ground.

I went hiking with my mom and dad when I was 13 years old. The hike was easy and fun for the first few miles, but as the elevation increased and my energy wore down I struggled for breath and fought to keep up with my parents. Convinced that something was truly wrong with my body I called to my dad, “I can’t do it. You go on. I’ll wait here.”

My mother stopped, and said, “You’re OK. We’re higher on the mountain now and the air is thinner. You have to take deep breaths and I need to slow down and walk slowly with you. You’re going to make it. You’re going to be fine. This is normal.”

For me, those words made all the difference– there wasn’t anything wrong with me; it’s normal to struggle when you are not getting enough oxygen.

Throughout my life, I’ve turned to friends and acquaintances and sometimes the lady next me in the doctor’s office for advice. With few exceptions, I’ve always found someone who said, “I feel exactly the same way.” “Me too.” “Oh, let me tell you about when I went through that.”

And then I breathe a sigh of relief, “I’ll pull through. This is normal.”

What are some challenges in life that you’d like an outline for?