Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"As is"

{My student Jake's mom sent me these photos today}

{They decorated their car and came to the game last night even though her son is on the A team, so nice!}
I know I have said this before, but I will say it again. Is there anything better than people who accept us for who we are? Friends who know our weaknesses but laugh them off and frankly forgive us? It means a lot to me. In this world where people scream at others for making a wrong turn or choosing the wrong word or neglecting the tiniest detail, it is so refreshing to know people who say, “You’ve got skills.” “You're doing a great job.” “It’s OK." And I’m especially grateful for these people– Morgen, Max and Markus– who spend every day with their feisty, forgetful, overscheduled, silly mom. They laugh off my quirks and work around my weaknesses. I try to do the same for them. Who gives you leeway in your life? Who accepts you ‘as is’?

It's the best!