Sunday, October 2, 2011

Date Night

{My date with Max}

{He invited his friend Che to come along}


{Bouncing the night away}
Morgen drove himself to the Skyline game Friday night, while Markus was at the BYU game with Ben and his brother Jeff and son Sammy, so it was just Max and me for the whole night, which as far as I can remember, hasn't ever happened. He wanted to go to the new player's bench to get some new laces for his skates and then we grabbed a bite to eat the Corner Bakery before heading down to Trolley Square for some new sheets from Pottery Barn. While we were down there he wanted to ask his friend Che to go to Airborne with him, so we picked him up and they spent almost two hours bouncing while I watched the game on the big screen. Fun night.