Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Show Must Go On!

{My student Toni skated in the Minnie Mouse group}

{While Annie was one of my clowns!}

{The Clowns skated their best program ever tonight!}

{My Grim Grinning Ghost group came out to socialize!}

The show must go on...even though one of the supervisors at the rink told me right before the show started last night, that I couldn't put one of my ghosts on the jump harness (as I had practiced with him for six weeks and at dress rehearsal) because he thought it was a safety concern. I talked to Tamara, the show director and she told me to go ahead and put him on it. That is what the jump harness is made! (Ha!) It made him look like he was really a ghost flying through the air and everyone in the audience said, "Oh!" when the spotlight hit him. It turned out great and no one was harmed. lol