Saturday, August 2, 2008

Birthday Celebrations

After staying up so late last night, I was rudely awakened this morning by the phone. It was the stake presidency calling for Ben who was on his bike ride. Oh, well. Ben left the bbq last night while Morgen and his friends were still in the hot tub so that he could go to bed for the tri club ride this morning. He left at 5:50 and luckily I didn't hear him. He came home around 9 from the 43 mile bike ride and then went for a run. Now he is at the baptism that the stake was calling about.

Morgen just woke up and I am going to go make him breakfast in bed for his birthday. His actually birthday is on Tuesday but he will be gone to scout camp so he is celebrating it today. He had his cousin Casey sleep over last night and his friend Austin as well. Then we are going to classic skating today to do the water slides and skating. After that we are going to Preston for Sheri's daughter, Whitney's birthday party. A long day but I am sure it will be fun. I will post some photos later.