Wednesday, August 20, 2008


My youngest nephew, baby Noah is six months old now. I can't believe he is growing up so fast. His mom Ashley, just sent me these photos of him. I think he is such a cute little guy.

I have been getting the boys all ready for school today, haircuts, clothes, shoes, registered at school, etc. While I was waiting in line at one of the stores, Max looked up at me and said, "Do you wish you had a girl to buy clothes for?" to which I replied, "No way, I love buying cool clothes for my cool boys." And it is true, I really think that shopping for boys is so much easier than all of that 'girl' stuff. Morgen is not really excited about going back, he is totally going to have to change his sleeping schedule (3 a.m. - noon) when school starts again on Monday. Max is pretty excited to go back and see all of his friends again and Markus can't wait. Kindergarten doesn't start until the day after Labor day though, so he is going to have to wait. I taught skating classes as well today and most of the kids were excited for school to start. The next session of learn to skate starts Sept. 17th, so I get a little break for a few weeks from classes anyways. I still have my private students coming on M & F afternoons. I am not quite ready for summer to be done yet, I am going outside right now to play some ball with Max. Later, :)