Monday, July 12, 2010

Cole's Birthday

Since we were already up in Heber yesterday and since it was Cole's birthday, we decided to drop by my parents and give Cole his birthday present. His party was actually today in Provo Canyon at an Archery Academy, but we were not going to be able to attend, due to the state championship baseball tournament that Max is in, so it worked out well that they were home.

Max and Cole were getting silly with the silly string.

My mom is enjoying her newly remodeled kitchen. Their landlord is a cabinet maker and decided to redo the cabinets in the house my parents have been renting from him since Cole was a baby.

My mom's dog, "Babydoll" is finally getting old enough and mellow enough to let the kids pet her without biting them. 


My cute nieces - Nadalynn, Candie & Tori had all come up to visit Grandma and Grandpa for the weekend, so we were able to see them as well.
Grandma had bought two cakes for Cole, one for his actual birthday - yesterday - and one for the party today. So we were able to sing "Happy birthday" to him while we were there.