Saturday, July 17, 2010

Days of '47 Children's Parade

The float and children arrived promptly at 8 a.m. this morning.

Our ward had a pretty good turn out...

and the children had fun while they were waiting, and waiting...

and waiting...

and waiting for the parade to begin at 10 a.m. I played as many games as I could remember from trek and youth conference with them, trying to keep them from asking one more time, "How much longer until the parade starts?!!!"

When it finally started at 10:20 everyone let out a cheer!

Only to wait a little bit longer until our float finally started rolling, since it was entry #35 out of 50.

I think our stake would have told everyone to come two hours later had they known that it was going to take SOOO long for the parade to get started. But once it did, I think the children had fun walking the short four block parade route to the City County Building.

I know they were all excited to get there and play (for free!) on all of the carnival blow up toys.