Sunday, July 25, 2010


After sharing time in primary today went ok, I was surprised to walk in to Sacrament meeting to see Elder Oaks, of the quorum of the twelve of the church sitting on the stand. His daughter, Jenny, is married to one of the members of our ward, Dr. Baker's son. They are visiting their parents for the summer and have been here for a month or so. Jenny and her three daughters were playing a musical number in the meeting today and so Elder Oaks came to see his daughter and granddaughters play the violin, cello and piano. The scheduled speakers for the meeting were really surprised and nervous, as you could imagine, but they all did a good job. At the conclusion of the meeting he bore his testimony and it was an interesting testimony for that fact that he talked about being educated in several other faiths, but that the fullness of the gospel and priesthood belong to this church. It was a simple testimony.