Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pioneer Day

Spent most of Pioneer Day at Lagoon.

And a good part of it in the water at Lagoon-a-Beach.

I was glad that I wasn't a pioneer on a day like today, so, so HOT!

Morgen wanted to go on the Sky Coaster again, since he went when he was at Lagoon for his ninth grade field trip. So, Max decided he would go as well. Ben is in the middle of those three daring boys.

Max loved it and said it felt like he was flying!

Morgen and Markus hanging out on the swings...

Max won a little stuffed dog for knocking over some plates with a baseball at one of the gaming booths at Lagoon. And when he came home he placed it in front of Molly - and she thought it was real! She was freaking out trying to attack it. It was so funny. I finally had to let her sniff it and touch it before she would stop being so crazy about it. I still don't know if she knows for sure that it is just a stuffed dog.