Monday, November 14, 2011

A List

What do you want to do before you 'kick the bucket'? I started my own Bucket List (or things to do before I die) a few years ago and wanted to share these life goals - that way I will be more accountable for action. Here goes:

X Start my own blog
Race around the world in the Amazing Race
X Sleep under the stars
X Play in a band
X Visit Hawaii
X Watch a meteor shower
X Give more than I can afford to charity
X Go to Disneyland
X Climb a mountain
X Hold a praying mantis
X Sing a solo
Bungee jump
X Visit Paris
X Watch a lightning storm
Teach myself to draw
Adopt a child
X Walk to the top of the Statue of Liberty
X Grow my own vegetables
X See the Mona Lisa in France
Sleep on an overnight train
X Have a pillow fight
Hitch hike
X Take a sick day when I'm not sick
X Build a snow fort
Hold a lamb
X Go skinny dipping
X Run a Marathon
Ride in a gondola in Venice
X See a total eclipse
X Watch a sunrise
Hit a home run
X Go on a cruise
X See Niagara Falls in person
X Visit the birthplace of my ancestors
X See an Amish community
X Learn to speak German
X Have enough money to be truly satisfied
See the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
Go rock climbing
See Michelangelo’s David
X Sing karaoke
X See Old Faithful geyser erupt
X Buy a stranger a meal at a restaurant
Visit Africa
X Walk on a beach by moonlight
X Have my portrait painted
Go deep sea fishing
See the Sistine Chapel
X Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
X Go scuba diving or snorkeling
X Kiss in the rain
X Play in the mud
X Go to a drive-in theater
X Be in a movie
Walk the Great Wall of China
X Start a business
Take a martial arts class
Visit Russia
X Serve at a soup kitchen
Sell Girl Scout Cookies
Go whale watching
X Get flowers for no reason
X Donate blood, platelets or plasma
X Go sky diving (indoors)
Visit a Nazi Concentration Camp
X Bounce a check
Fly in a helicopter
X Save a favorite childhood toy
X Visit the Lincoln Memorial
Eat Caviar
X Piece a quilt
Stand in Times Square on New Years Eve
X Tour the Everglades
X See the Changing of the Guards in London
X Break a bone
Be on a speeding motorcycle
Ride a donkey in the Grand Canyon
Publish a book
Visit the Vatican
X Buy a brand new car
Walk in Jerusalem
X Have my picture in the newspaper
Read the entire Bible
Visit the White House
X Kill and prepare an animal for eating
X Have chickenpox
X Save someone’s life
Sit on a jury
X Meet someone famous
X Join a book club
X Have a baby
See the Alamo
X Swim in the Great Salt Lake
X See Mount Rushmore
X Learn to play piano
X Keep a journal
Shop the Magnificent Mile
X Experience natural childbirth
Close my eyes during a movie
X Shoot a gun
Build a treehouse
Sleep in a castle in Ireland
Visit Belize
Build a habitat for humanity home
Ride in a Hot-air Balloon

That's all for now, but I think of new ones all the time. Start living your very best life, today. :)