Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Mom

{My mom ~ 1956}

Mothers receive very little appreciation in our world. I’m as guilty of this as anyone else—I just don’t remember to thank her for dinner and new pencils and life. My gratitude for my mother endures for so many reasons but here, for her birthday, are just a few: 1. She was always there. It might sound babyish, I liked my mom to be home as much as possible—breakfast, during home school, at midnight after a date. A lot of moms “check out” of parenting when their kids are in high school, but I still needed her. Every child likes to feel like they are top priority in their mother’s life. It seems that children aren’t proud of their parent’s accomplishments the way parents admire their children’s. People comment to me all the time about the amazing things my mom can do but I’m just glad that she’s always been an amazing mother to me. 2. She wasn't afraid to set strict rules about movies, music and tv. A lot of parents seem to be afraid of their children, but honestly, I liked limits. 3. She lived her testimony. A hundred family home evenings couldn’t match the decisions I saw my mom make when attending church while on vacation in Hawaii, handing back the $500 in cash she found in a wallet at Disneyland and taking care of grand babies. 4. She loves me. Adults aren’t much different from little kids. I might not have wanted to sit on her lap, but I still wanted to be told that she loved me, she was proud of me when I did something well and yeah, sometimes a hug and a kiss were what I needed too.