Sunday, June 29, 2008


Casey & Morgen
Markus' first time camping was awesome. He just kept saying that, he said it last night when he went in the tent and again when he woke up this morning. When we first went up there, we went to the lake and swam, which was really cold but the boys didn't care. Then we played a game of wiffle (sp?) ball, Marilee's boyfriend Greg is so great with the kids. He just kept pitching and letting them hit. He has 4 boys of his own, that are grown. Then when everyone was cold and ready for dinner, Marilee had hot dogs, salads, chips and watermelon. I went to Costco in between the movie and getting the oil changed to pick up the veggie tray yesterday and saw Marilee & Greg there shopping for the party. Greg paid for everything including the campsite. We ate and then Candie's boyfriend Chase took all the kids on a hike and they saw a beaver. Max & I tossed the football when he came back. He is such a little athlete and very patient with me as I am learning to play all of these sports with him. Or try to play I should say! Anyways, it was fun to see Morgen outside playing with his cousins and hauling wood over for the fire. He played the guitar after Ben was finished playing some songs. Morgen can play a few songs already.

Markus had a great time as I mentioned before. He asked me after we ate dinner, "So when are we going to start camping?" I told him that we were camping and he said, "Oh!" So cute. Then this morning when we woke up after he said 'this is awesome' he said, "What do you do at camping, there isn't that much stuff here for kids?" I asked him what he meant, like video games and I asked him if he wanted to go home and he said "No, I want to stay here." We did go home but not before a quick trip to the lake again and another round of baseball. Ben had a horrible headache on the way home. I don't think he likes camping very much or maybe he just didn't get enough sleep. I don't know, either way, he came home and took some Motrin and went to bed after we unloaded the car. I fixed lunch and had everyone get ready for church as well as prepared my lesson. It was a pretty easy lesson so that is good. We were actually on time for once. Ben came after he woke up for Sacrament. I sat behind my friend Sharon and was able to hold her little Hannah. She is such a happy baby. I tease her all the time that her cheeks must kill her by the end of the day, she is always smiling! :)

Then I came home, made spaghetti for dinner, went to my scouting meeting. Ben went home teaching when I came back and I did the dishes. Then I took Morgen out to Casey's house to spend the night. Now I am going to go fold a mountain of laundry from this weekend. Should be fun, as long as I have my tunes! Ben took the day off to go to Lagoon with us tomorrow. I think it is supposed to be 100 degrees or so, we will for sure be going to the water park. I will have to go on my run before it gets too hot.