Friday, July 4, 2008

Fun Days

Happy fourth of July!!!

I am feeling very independent today, like anything could happen! I had a great race this morning and I was glad that it was a little overcast so it wasn't quite as hot as last year. I did my fastest 5K yet and took 3rd in my age group. Morgen did really well and finished ahead of his time from last year. Ben didn't want to participate this year, since he didn't want to get injured like he did last year. Max won his group for the kid's race and Markus ran the whole thing and didn't have to walk this year. He took off at the start doing about 6:30 min. miles! After they have a raffle for some pretty cool prizes and you can watch the parade from the area we were sitting at, so Morgen won an umbrella set (which he was really stoked about!), Max won a DVD which he didn't want and I won a tent. I am excited since the tent I had that my dad gave me years ago has a broken zipper, so I totally needed one. Anyways, it was a fun event and a great tradition. I am going to take a shower now since I am all sweaty and then I need to run to Wal-Mart for some ice cream to take over to Ma Buck's tonight. She is having a barbecue about 7 and then we watch the fireworks over there. We usually come home in time to watch the park fireworks from our front yard. I think Max wants to go the baseball game today at 4:00 at the park as well. Should be fun.