Thursday, July 31, 2008


Mr. personality that is. Markus has always had this great little personality and an amazing sense of humor. This picture was when he was two years old and you can already see it in his eye, that little twinkle. He says the cutest things as well. And he has this contagious laugh. I remember one time when he was laughing, he made me laugh so hard I cried. I feel like such a lucky mom to have this little boy in my life.

When I was pregnant with him, I had an ultrasound done and the tech told me that my baby, could possibly have kidney problems. There were some unusual measurements I guess. I cried so much and worried for two months until the next ultrasound when they realized his kidneys were fine. I was so relieved and thought about for the first time what a miracle it is to have healthy babies. I had some premature labor with him as well and was put on bed rest for a day or so and was told not to do step aerobics for the rest of my pregnancy. I had a really fast labor with him, I woke up around 3 a.m. and was feeling some contractions. But I wasn't sure that I was really in labor because with Morgen & Max my water had broken so I knew for sure. Anyways, I waited until about 4 to go to the hospital where they hooked me up to the monitors to see if I was indeed in labor. They usually do that for an hour before admitting you I guess. When I had been there 20 minutes I started pushing. The nurse came and rushed me across the hall to the delivery room. I pushed for 2 hours and still hadn't had my baby. My Dr. said that it was posterior and that is why it was taking so long. I was exhausted and it was excruciating pain. Not like with my other two births were it hurt for a minute while I was pushing and then it was over. This lasted so much longer and was so intense. Then I heard my Dr. say that the babies heart tones didn't sound good and that they were going to have to do something soon. I freaked out when I heard that I pushed so hard I felt like I was going to scream in fact I may have but I don't really remember and then I finally heard my baby crying. I was so overcome with joy that it was here safe I just started bawling like a baby myself. I heard my Dr. saying it was a boy and when he put him in my arms all wet and squishy and looking in my eyes, all I could say was, "I love you little guy." Ben was so upset that he said he didn't ever want to put me through that again and that is when I knew we were done having kids.

Anyways, enough about childbirth. I am feeling enough pain right now in my shoulder as it is. I haven't been taking Motrin this week. It has been feeling better but it is so achy tonight. Probably due to the therapy they did on it today. I am going to go try and get some sleep. <3