Thursday, July 3, 2008

Good Books

I am not sure what to write about today. Sometimes I think that this blog is getting a little boring. I mean I am glad that I will be able to remember what I did on a certain day, but I want to write more about what I am feeling. I just can't. So what to write...

The best thing that happened yesterday? I started a new book, after finishing a really good one on Tuesday. I need to add it to my montage and write a review, I guess. For some reason I don't ever feel like I could say anything that someone else would want to read or value. Does that make sense? I mean why would someone care what I think about a book and if they should read it or not? I am not a book critic and I never could be, I looked at all my ratings for the books that I have read and I mostly gave them five stars. Anyways, I was downtown yesterday getting a gift for a bridal shower I am going to tonight in Provo, and I went to the Gateway. Since I was by myself, I went to Barnes & Noble and bought a book. I hardly ever buy books, mostly just check them out from the library. But I had a gift card from work so I was looking and saw one that I had heard about. I will let you know how it is when I read it. I am looking forward to it.

I didn't run this morning, I'm saving my legs for the race tomorrow. Later.