Sunday, July 13, 2008


It is funny I was talking about my great-great-grandfather yesterday, Moroni Fuller and now today, I am teaching the lesson on Captain Moroni. The manual suggests using some armor to illustrate a point and I asked Ben to call his friend Richard to borrow the armor that he has from England and he agreed but Richard is in Yellowstone, so he can't borrow it today. Oh, well, maybe next time.

I went to an "after party" last night for a family in our ward's daughter who just got married. They didn't want a reception, so they called it an after party instead. It was at the park at our stake center and they had a bbq and a water slide for the kids and snow cones. It was a great night for it and I was able to hold my friend Ginger's baby. He was totally crying and fussing when I took him. I wrapped him up and he fell asleep within two minutes. He is so sweet and I was really enjoying the evening, just talking to friends and watching the wedding video. The boy that Lee married, Bryce, has taken her on all of these amazing trips while they were dating. So they had some cool pictures from all over the world. His dad is the VP over Russia for an oil co. (I forget which one?) They had these little party favor bags for all the guests to take home with chocolate from Russia and a little wooden doll key chain, like the russian stacking dolls. So cute. Anyways, it was a really fun wedding party and every one was having such a nice time.