Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Aria!

Morgen & Kailey hanging out

Markus & Aria swinging out!

Orientation was so boring today and they could have done what they needed to do in about 1 hour instead of 8 1/2. Oh, well, at least it is over with. Now I can just take the classes when they start next month. I hope that I pass the drug testing, since I took my allergy medicine this morning. I think it will be okay though, the girl I talked to said that it would be fine.
I missed my boys though, and I am so glad they were able to have a fun day at Aria's birthday party at Color me mine. They painted some cool plates it sounds like and I will get to see the finished products on Friday. They had a great time too! After I picked them up from Monet's house we came home and then dropped Max off at his friends house to spend the night. Monet invited us to dinner at Macaroni grill and of course I said yes, I love Macaroni grill. Aria looked so cute and the opera guy sang happy birthday to her in Italian. She was grinning from ear to ear. Then they came over to borrow some camping stuff for Kailey to go to YW camp next week. Monet ended up staying and talking to me for hours, in fact they just left. It was such a fun night and I wish we could hang out more often. We used to all the time and then life just gets so busy sometimes, you forget what is really important. She invited me to go to Las Vegas with her and some of her girlfriends next month. I think that it would be so fun to go, but I don't know if I am going to or not, I will have to see. Thanks Monet for helping with my boys today. I love and appreciate you so much.